
10 04, 2019

What’s in Software Quality and how do we achieve it.

2024-07-19T12:38:46+00:00April 10th, 2019|

Whatever your development focus may be, whatever technologies and programming languages you may use, the alpha and omega of the programming is the quality of the final software product. Just because if the user will consider your piece of software a poor quality one, he will simply refuse to pay for it and will tell

29 03, 2019

Bugs in software development: How to identify and prevent

2024-07-19T14:06:51+00:00March 29th, 2019|

  Have you ever wondered what the cost of a bug is? Can this thing, minor at first glance, really cause that severe damage, as many programmers and testers claim? Is there any way to entirely prevent bugs in the software development process? Let’s dig into the matter step by step. What are bugs and

7 12, 2017

What is MetaMask

2024-07-19T13:15:23+00:00December 7th, 2017|

What is MetaMask all about? MetaMask is a Google Chrome/Firefox plugin that enables you to run Ethereum Dapps right from your browser without running a full Ethereum node. MetaMask facilitates the adoption of Ethereum because it bridges the gap between user interfaces such as Mist browsers and Dapps and the web (e.g Chrome, Firefox, websites).


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