As businesses scale and technologies evolve, many organizations find themselves dealing with legacy systems that are difficult to maintain and no longer meet the performance demands of modern applications. To stay competitive and ensure scalability, refactoring old applications to modern programming languages such as Go and Rust has become a popular solution.


Optimum Web, a leading software development company, has experience in refactoring legacy applications from PHP to Go, leveraging the benefits of Go’s concurrency model, performance, and scalability. This article delves into the process, challenges, and benefits of refactoring from PHP to Go and Rust, and explores key insights from Optimum Web’s approach.


Why Refactor from PHP to Go and Rust?


  1. Performance and Concurrency

– Go: One of the main reasons for moving from PHP to Go is its native support for concurrency through goroutines. PHP, being single-threaded, cannot efficiently handle high-concurrency environments. Go, with its lightweight threads (goroutines), provides scalable and efficient concurrency without the need for additional infrastructure.

– Rust: Rust focuses on memory safety, performance, and zero-cost abstractions, making it ideal for systems that require high performance and safety without a garbage collector.


  1. Scalability

– PHP: While PHP can be scaled horizontally (by adding more servers), it becomes inefficient when dealing with a large number of concurrent requests. This can lead to high server costs and more complex infrastructure management.

– Go: Go’s goroutines allow for handling thousands of concurrent requests in a lightweight manner. Its built-in garbage collection and robust standard library make it easier to build scalable APIs and microservices.

– Rust: Rust’s high-performance characteristics make it perfect for systems that need to scale, particularly when low-latency and memory safety are critical.


  1. Simplicity and Developer Productivity

– Go: The simplicity of Go’s syntax, combined with its minimalistic and powerful standard library, makes it a great choice for teams transitioning from PHP. Developers can quickly learn and start working with Go, reducing the learning curve compared to more complex languages.

– Rust: Although Rust has a steeper learning curve due to its focus on memory management and safety, it offers unmatched control over system performance. Optimum Web often uses Rust in high-performance modules where control over memory allocation is crucial.


Refactoring Process: PHP to Go


At Optimum Web, refactoring a legacy PHP application to Go involves several key steps to ensure that the migration is smooth and that the new Go-based system meets all performance, scalability, and maintainability goals.


  1. Analyzing the Existing PHP Codebase

Before refactoring, a thorough analysis of the existing PHP codebase is necessary. This involves:

– Identifying performance bottlenecks.

– Mapping out critical business logic.

– Determining areas where concurrency and parallelism could improve performance.

– Documenting external dependencies such as databases, third-party services, and libraries.


Example: A PHP-based e-commerce platform experiencing slow page load times due to high user traffic may need to offload intensive calculations (such as recommendations or inventory checks) to a more concurrent and performant Go microservice.


  1. Planning the Migration

In this stage, Optimum Web plans the migration from PHP to Go. This includes:

– Defining which components will be migrated first (often, the most performance-critical components).

– Deciding on the architecture (e.g., transitioning from a monolith to microservices).

– Evaluating Go’s concurrency model to implement goroutines and channels where PHP used blocking I/O.


Example: A monolithic PHP API serving a mobile app can be split into several Go microservices—each handling a different task (user authentication, product inventory, payment processing)—with Go’s concurrency handling simultaneous requests efficiently.


  1. Refactoring the Business Logic

While refactoring the business logic, care must be taken to ensure that the logic remains consistent across the PHP and Go versions. Optimum Web employs automated testing and continuous integration (CI) pipelines to ensure that both the legacy and new systems produce identical outputs.


Example: In PHP, sequential operations such as fetching user details and orders may be done one after the other. In Go, these can be handled concurrently:

// Example in Go: Fetch user details and orders concurrently

var wg sync.WaitGroup


go func() {

    defer wg.Done()

    userDetails := getUserDetails(userID)


go func() {

    defer wg.Done()

    userOrders := getUserOrders(userID)




This allows Go to handle the requests much faster compared to PHP’s sequential approach.


  1. Database Migration and Optimization

PHP applications often rely on relational databases such as MySQL or PostgreSQL. When moving to Go, database queries may need to be optimized or refactored to take advantage of Go’s database/sql package and efficient connection pooling.


Example: Optimum Web’s team replaced multiple inefficient PHP queries with Go’s batch processing capabilities, reducing the number of database round-trips and improving overall performance.


  1. Handling Session and State Management

PHP applications often rely heavily on session management for user authentication. When migrating to Go, session handling can be achieved using secure, distributed systems like Redis, or JWT (JSON Web Tokens) for stateless authentication.


Example: A PHP application using server-side sessions can be refactored to a Go microservice that utilizes JWT tokens, enabling easier scaling and load balancing across multiple instances.


Refactoring Process: PHP to Rust


While Go is generally the first choice for web and API development due to its simplicity, Rust is often chosen for performance-critical parts of an application where control over system resources and memory safety is paramount. Optimum Web refactors certain modules from PHP to Rust to improve performance and ensure safety, particularly in areas like cryptography, data processing, and low-latency systems.


  1. Performance-Critical Modules

Rust’s memory safety and zero-cost abstractions make it ideal for high-performance systems that require low-latency operations.


Example: A PHP-based financial application that handles encryption and secure transactions can be refactored to Rust to enhance performance and security. Rust’s ownership model and type system make it safe to handle sensitive data without the risk of memory leaks or vulnerabilities.


  1. Converting I/O-Heavy Operations

Rust excels at handling I/O-heavy tasks, thanks to its powerful concurrency model and performance characteristics. For example, if an old PHP application struggles with heavy I/O operations (such as file reading/writing or network requests), these operations can be refactored into Rust to handle them more efficiently.


Rust: Performance, Safety, and Control


  1. Memory Safety: Rust’s ownership model ensures memory safety without the need for a garbage collector. This feature is crucial when refactoring systems that need fine control over resource management, such as real-time systems, low-latency services, or performance-critical applications.


  1. High Performance: Rust is designed to compete with languages like C++ for low-level systems programming. If an old application has performance bottlenecks, Rust is a perfect choice for refactoring critical modules that require maximum performance, such as cryptographic operations or database-intensive tasks.


  1. Security: Rust’s strict memory and thread-safety features reduce common vulnerabilities such as buffer overflows, memory leaks, and data races, making it ideal for applications where security is paramount.


Challenges in Refactoring to Go and Rust


Refactoring legacy PHP applications to Go and Rust isn’t without its challenges:


  1. Learning Curve

– Go: While Go is relatively easy to learn, teams transitioning from PHP may need time to adapt to its different approach to error handling, concurrency, and strict typing.

– Rust: Rust has a steep learning curve due to its focus on memory safety and ownership model, which may be unfamiliar to developers coming from PHP.


  1. Architectural Changes

PHP applications, particularly older ones, are often monolithic. Migrating to a Go or Rust microservices architecture requires careful planning to avoid service bottlenecks, inter-service communication issues, and ensuring data consistency across the services.


  1. Debugging and Performance Tuning

Optimizing Go and Rust applications for performance can be more complex than PHP. Understanding Go’s garbage collector and Rust’s memory management system is crucial to ensure optimal performance.


When to Choose Go, Rust, or Both?


While both GoLang and Rust offer performance and modern programming models, the choice between them—or a combination—depends on the nature of the application and the goals of the refactoring process:


– GoLang is best suited for:

  – High-concurrency applications like web servers, APIs, and microservices.

  – Applications where simplicity, ease of development, and scalability are key factors.

  – Teams that need fast iteration and quick adoption of a new stack.


– Rust is ideal for:

  – Systems requiring maximum performance, such as game engines, operating system components, or low-latency services.

  – Security-critical systems where fine control over memory management is essential.

  – Applications with performance bottlenecks that need highly optimized modules.


A hybrid approach is often beneficial, where Go is used for high-level application logic and services, while Rust handles performance-critical operations.


Benefits of Migrating to Go and Rust


– Higher Performance: Go and Rust provide significant performance improvements over PHP, particularly for applications with high concurrency or low-latency requirements.

– Scalability: Go’s ability to handle a large number of concurrent connections and Rust’s performance in handling system resources provide scalable architectures for growing businesses.

– Security: Rust’s memory safety and ownership model significantly reduce the chances of memory-related bugs, making it ideal for secure systems.


Key Steps in Refactoring to GoLang and Rust


  1. Analyze the Existing Application


Before jumping into the refactoring process, it’s essential to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the existing application:

– Identify bottlenecks: Determine which parts of the application suffer from performance issues, scalability problems, or are too complex to maintain.

– Map out dependencies: Understand the databases, external APIs, and third-party libraries the application depends on.

– Define critical paths: Prioritize the components that need immediate attention (e.g., backend services, APIs, or resource-heavy computations).


  1. Select the Right Architecture


When moving to GoLang and Rust, refactoring often involves rethinking the architecture:

– From Monolith to Microservices: Legacy applications, especially those written in PHP or Java, are often monolithic. Refactoring to Go or Rust may involve breaking the monolith into smaller, independent services (microservices), each handling a specific function.

– Concurrency Design: GoLang’s concurrency model using goroutines and channels is a natural fit for systems that require high throughput. If your old application is blocked by sequential operations, redesigning the application to leverage Go’s concurrency will drastically improve performance.



If an old PHP application handles multiple user requests sequentially, migrating to Go allows these requests to be processed concurrently using goroutines, improving response time and throughput.

go func() {




  1. Incremental Refactoring


Refactoring an entire legacy system in one go is often impractical and risky. Instead, incremental refactoring is recommended:

– Module by module migration: Start by refactoring specific performance-critical or easily-isolated parts of the application to GoLang or Rust.

– Maintain backward compatibility: During the refactor, ensure the old system continues to function. You can use a hybrid approach, running both the old and new systems in parallel while gradually moving functionality over.

– API gateways: For microservices architecture, an API gateway can route requests to the appropriate service, ensuring a smooth transition from the old system to the new GoLang or Rust-based architecture.


  1. Handling Database and I/O Operations


Both Go and Rust offer efficient libraries for database access and I/O operations:

– GoLang: The `database/sql` package in Go provides robust database connectivity. Coupled with libraries like GORM or sqlx, database interactions are seamless. Go’s concurrency features can also be leveraged to optimize database queries, reducing round-trip times and improving throughput.



db, err := sql.Open("mysql", "user:password@tcp(")

  rows, err := db.Query("SELECT * FROM users")


– Rust: For Rust, libraries like `Diesel` and `SQLx` are popular choices for ORM and SQL database interaction. Rust’s memory safety ensures that even complex I/O operations are handled securely and efficiently.



 let results = users.filter(name.eq("John"))




  1. Performance Optimization


As part of refactoring, optimizing for performance is critical, especially when replacing slower languages like PHP or Python with GoLang or Rust:

– Benchmarking: Benchmarking the old system and new Go/Rust modules is essential to track performance gains. GoLang has built-in benchmarking tools (`testing.Benchmark`), while Rust provides libraries like `criterion` for this purpose.


  Example in Go:

 func BenchmarkProcessRequest(b *testing.B) {

      for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {





– Profiling: Both Go and Rust offer powerful profiling tools (such as Go’s `pprof` or Rust’s `perf`) to identify performance bottlenecks, memory usage, and CPU consumption during runtime.


Refactoring old applications to a GoLang and Rust stack offers significant benefits, including improved performance, scalability, and security. While both languages have their strengths—Go for simplicity and concurrency, Rust for memory safety and performance—choosing the right language (or a combination of both) depends on the specific needs of the application. With careful planning, incremental migration, and optimization, organizations can modernize their legacy systems, ensuring they are prepared for the demands of future growth and technology advancements.


Refactoring from PHP to Go and Rust offers significant advantages in terms of performance, scalability, and security. Optimum Web’s approach to migrating legacy PHP applications ensures a smooth transition to modern, efficient systems using Go for concurrency and simplicity, and Rust for performance-critical components. This combination provides the best of both worlds, ensuring the longevity and success of refactored applications.


About the Author: Vladislav Antoseac

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